If you are an Art Studio Owner who primarily relies on revenue from art classes, camps, and birthday parties, you are leaving money on the table. Why? Because there are many other creative ways to expand your offerings and bring in extra revenue.

And not only that but making money from other revenue streams will stabilize your Studio financially when classes or birthdays are not filling up, or it is off-season for camps.  What can you add as additional offerings?
In this episode, we will give you 10 outside-the-box ideas to earn more money by having more new students and bringing back existing students for more while creating a super dedicated tribe that will cherish what you get to them. We will also give you examples and exact steps to easily add these revenue streams to your offerings 

What are the 10 outside-the-box ideas?  
1.  Teach offsite
2.  Assemble Portfolio after workshops, camps or end of year
3.  Facilitate Team Building
4. Offer Family Classes
5.  Sell seasonal Merchandise
6.  Exhibitions for long-term students
7.  Rent your Studio during off hours
8.  Add VIP Programs
9.  Add complimentary activities
10. Offer Membership    

This list may look like a lot of work upfront; you can implement some at once or take one at a time and return to the list later. Use this list as a starting point to adjust to your needs.

Take a moment and see what resources you have to implement the above list now and in the future. Then, go to our Facebook Group, Creative Studio Owners, and share with us what is already working… or if you have additional ideas to add to the list. See you there! 

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